Saturday 22 June 2013

*drumroll* *rickroll* *springroll* My first post!!

OMG, I am sooo excited 'cos I've been wanting a blog ever since I realized that an FB wall post is never enough to say what I want to say, and that has been ever since IB started.. well, sort of. So it's been almost 2 years. Haha, good job, steph. Your first word on your blog is OMG. I'm still a teenager on the inside, I guess.

A few things prompted this long-due-and-delayed-a-couple-no-a-hundred-times blog. A conversation with an avid blogger who's a few years younger than me (gah, i'm just twenty but I feel like I've done so little with my life). An overflow of literary goodness into my head throughout IB but no outflow, no attempts to write despite all the inspiration. And lastly, I have plenty of time now!! Done with IB with a few more months till uni starts, my head is clear of facts that I may no longer use and it's filling up instead with thoughts that I can't seem to express well enough on fb. So the blog came about.

Now about the name of the blog. It's linked to what finally made this come to being. Everyone has days when their minds overload with questions, thoughts and emotions about themselves, others, life, the future. repeats over and over.

I had that one day, and for a moment, I understood why people love driving and speeding to release stress 'cos for a moment, as my head went into overload, my speed went way up and for a few seconds, I felt better. Just for those few seconds though.
As I finally reached home, I was just about to close the gates when I looked at the night sky. Kuching was silent, sleeping. The horizons glowed warmly from the city lights but up above, it was dark enough for me to see a few stars. It wasn't the most beautiful night sky, but it was perfect. On nights with the sky saturated with stars, its magnitude overwhelms, the stars shout glory and I stare in awe.
But that night, only a few stars shone through, they were silent, giving me the space to think. It was as though the same rays they shone down were the rays with which they pulled my thoughts up to them, drawing me into a conversation with them stars about the thoughts that ravaged my mind that night. No new questions were answered, just thoughts revisited and my own life principles reconsidered. All I really needed was order amidst the chaos in my head and that also explains the blog's url, createdfromtheclutter.

So that's it for my first post, I basically just intended to explain this blog's origins :)

Now... should I sign off? meh, haven't thought of that. Guess I'll just use this sign off for now

Shine on, x.


  1. heh steph, i had no idea you could write, (not meant to insult or anything), i've just never even seen you write ( excluding ib stuff of course)

  2. haha :)
    but i havent been putting much thought into how i write for the subsequent posts though. i had a journal initially but now i felt like some people need to see another side of me. so the journal's sort of gathering dust for a bit now
