Monday 22 July 2013

blood runs thicker than water

My uncle, my mum's younger brother (quick Bidayuh lesson : the younger uncles are called 'buncu', malay pronunciation). He comes to our house occasionally, a quiet, small man. It wasn't until recently that I had a real conversation with buncu. I haven't talked much with him before, he usually seemed silent, reflecting on something while smoking at a corner. He has a slight hunch that most of the time, no matter what height I was in relation to my buncu, it is usually his greying head that I see. Of his face, his button nose stands out the most, a touch of gentleness (lacking a better word) on that weathered face.

All his children, my cousins and grandchild share the same button nose. Us cousins, we don't hang out much with each other, simply because we haven't been living in the same district when we grew up. We've met a few times when we were younger, and in pictures, just them cute button noses were enough to make our childhood pictures cute. But besides that, I can't claim like some of my other friends that we're close, that we've gambled and had fun together during Gawai etc.

but blood runs thicker than water.

events of the day were already weighing me down when my cousin posted about an accident. my heart fell further. replies to her post assured me that things weren't that bad. but i was damn worried anyway. the car got hit, back and front. but they only suffered slight injuries. thank you Lord...

While i was talking to my eldest sister today, I noticed something about her nose.
She mentions that I have a distinctive nose.
Well, obviously we picked up different features from out parents.
She has my mum's nose.
that button nose.


blood runs thicker than water

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