Tuesday 16 July 2013

Dream catcher : When you visit the same place again but only in a dream

My blog's my dream catcher. I don't have dreams to run from but I have dreams to catch; to catch down in words so I won't forget them.

There's this place in Kuching called Waterfront. I dreamed of it last night but it wasn't exactly Waterfront, it seemed to be facing a sea with solid, dark waters. Waterfront is a place of my childhood, it used to have the best playground ever in Kuching, at least to me. This dream version of Waterfront was a grown-up version, with less of the bustle of the usual crowd, lots of empty tables and more shadows all around. The whole view was pretty dreary.

The real Waterfront. Picture from www.etawau.com
It didn't look much like Waterfront except for its signature cobblestones and the fact that it was literally a water front. But it gave me the feeling that it was Waterfront. There was a broken jetty there which was partially submerged, and a couple of girls were swimming and lounging by it in their bikinis (in my head I thought, "Crazy people, so desperate for a swim". The waters didn't really look friendly. In fact, the whole place didn't look friendly either).

Strangely, I felt sad to see the broken jetty because I somehow knew what was there before - a small building, from another dream. This is where it gets a bit weird, when dreams start linking to each other. That small building's a neatly built, nicely lit place, where I joined some people to dock on a boat. We were headed to a party on another shore, so we were all pretty dressed up. So it was kinda weird when the boat stopped right before we reached the other jetty, and it seemed understoo that we had to swim ourselves to the jetty. Imagine guys in their neat shirts and vests, girls in their cocktail dresses casually jumping into the waters, swimming all the way then pulling themselves up onto the jetty platform, all wet but accessories still intact. Now, come to think about it... it's weeeiirdd...

This reminds me of the boat we used. Pic from www.charterworld.com

Then, as if that wasn't enough, we started running our way to the party crib. No one seemed tired, we just seemed really excited, keeping our eyes on where we were headed. It reminded me of that last part in C.S. Lewis' Narnia, The Last Battle "Come further up, come further in!". We passed through a large garden on the way, all finely trimmed and low bushes. These reminded me of those creepily neat gardens in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

I don't remember anything about the party though. I guess I woke up right before we reached the place, haha. But the dream was weird enough that I remembered it in relation to another dream. This happens occasionally and I wake up feeling a bit creeped out.

Do you get that too?

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